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Lalbagh, Lucknow - India
Dr. Syed Mohd. Atique’s Memorial Cancer Herbal Clinic has so far successfully treated Cancer patients suffering with Multiple Myeloma, Sarcoma, Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Acute Lyphomblastic Leukemia, Brain, Stomach, Liver, Breast, Oesophageal, Colon Cancer and Oral Cancer, Some of the past case histories are reproducted here. The details can be seen at the clinic, Dr. Syed Mohd. Atique’s Memorial Cancer Herbal Clinic incurs substantial amount of time and money to procure rare herbs from the interior of himalayan Range.
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Lalbagh, Lucknow - India
Case of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia & Bone Marrow Cancer. Started treatment in 02-10-1988. His bleeding nose was stopped. Blue patches on skin seemed to be fainting within a treatment of 10 days only. After 6 months 14-03-1989 his blood investigation on 15-06-1989 shows no sign of All above diseases. His updated health in 2007 is sound and improved.
She started taking my medicine from 13-12-03 & after 6 to 7 months she is cured by this dreaded disease on 01-07-04 till no no symptoms is seen again.
Vaid Sitla Prasad, Age-75/M India having Oral Cancer (retro molar trigone region with attendant erosion of left half squamous cells carcinoma )
He is refused from all the major hospitals then after he started taking my medicine from 12-08-03 and after 6 months on 20-02-04 he is totally cured till now no growth is seen again.
Cancer has for been the namesis of mankind, with many an illustrious scientists and researchers are trying in vain to remove this bane of our contemporary society. Till date, Cancer is normally taken to be incurable. Modern medicine is best being able to postpone death by some period, though in some specific types of Cancers early detection can help in almost complete cure with the help of long drawn and painful procedures like surgery, radiation, chemotherapy etc. the process is painful, debilitating as well as costly for the patient, normally having severe side effects.
it has been the endeavor of Dr. Syed Mohd. Atique’s Memorial Cancer Herbal Clinic. to administer absolutely painless, easily affordable and successful Ayurvedic treatment to the unfortunate people suffering with the deadly disease. In the words of Cancer specialist Vaid Syed Khaliq Ahmed Shibli, the Ancient Indian System of Medication Ayurvedic has the cure for all types of Cancers. The treatment being much simpler and cheaper than what other medical systems offer, the result start showing on the patient within a week of starting the medication. This Ayurvedic medication has no side effects whatsoever.